NOTE: has been sold.
Thank you for taking the time to inquire about the sale of the domain
The sale of includes the domain only i.e. there is no website/content associated with the sale.
There is now a unique opportunity for your company to take advantage of purchasing a domain which can potentially take your business to new heights.
Use to make your company stand out from your competitors and use a type of domain which is also used by some of the largest and most forward-thinking companies globally.
There’s a good reason the companies listed below operate from a 2-letter .com; it makes them stand out from a sea of competitors by making them appear more credible, trustworthy and authoritative.
- – American Airlines
- – Merrill Lynch
- – Hewlett Packard
So if your company is looking for a new, easy to spell, easy to remember and totally unique brand name that will make your company stand out from all your competitors then please get in touch with me today at
Or if your company wants to shorten your existing lengthy domain name and use as an Acronym replacement then please get in touch with me at
Added benefit of purchasing
And regardless of why you would like to purchase then the following is an even greater reason why you should really not miss out on purchasing this unique domain. consistently gets up to 1,300 type-in visitors per month and you may ask why this may be such a valuable asset to your company.
Type-in visitors are those visitors who are typing directly into their browsers and as such they are not coming through a search engine result. And the main benefit from this type of visitor is that as soon as you own you will have these visitors from Day 1 of launching your website on i.e. you won’t have to wait for your website to rank in the Google search results or you won’t have to pay expensive Pay Per Click advertising to drive visitors to your website.
Type-in visitor statistics for (December 2017):
- Type-in visitors/month: 39,129 (1,300/day)
- Page views: 50,433
- Returning visits: 13,694
So who would benefit financially from these type-in visitors?
Scenario 1: A new or existing US or global company brand using
Are you a new brand looking to get exposure for your new product or service? Then how long and how much would it cost to get up to 1,300 visitors per day to see that new product or service?
I’m sure you agree that with a new product & service it’s all about initial momentum on launch so not only will you have a great brand in but you will also have a guaranteed number of visitors who will see that new product/service from day 1.
Scenario 2: An existing US health/home insurance company using
If you already offer a product or service and you want to generate even more revenue then would you be able to convert any of the 550 US visitors/day into paying customers?
For example, let’s say you are a health or home insurance company in the USA looking to create more leads and customers and each new customer will pay $300/month for their insurance premiums. Could your company convert 1%, 2%, 3% or more from 550 visitors/day?
The investment in could be paid back relatively quickly with just a small conversion rate on the guaranteed daily visitors you will get on day 1 of using
Additional details:
- Exact match searches/month for ‘Hi’ in Google: 2,740,000
- Global monthly visitor average: 28,680
- Global monthly type-in visitors average: 26,500
- was first registered on 8th April 1994
You now have a unique opportunity to purchase and once sold it’s highly unlikely it will ever come up for sale again. So please do not miss out on purchasing, before another company beats you to it.
If you would like to make an offer to purchase or if you would like to have an informal chat with me about the sale of then please feel free to get in touch using any of the contact points below. Or if you’d like me to call you back then please email me direct with a convenient time for me to call you.
Skype: paul.haughney
Phone: +353 83 4246262